
Configure Network

Remove default network

  • By default, libvirt configures a default network, ‘default’.

  • The ‘default’ network is attached to a private network, which provides NAT routing through the node’s physical interfaces.

  • If you wish to use bridging, the default network can be removed by performing the following:

    mcvirt network delete default

Creating/Removing Networks

  • Networks provide bridges between physical/bridge interfaces and virtual machines.
  • To create a bridge network on the node, an additional network interface will need to be created on the node
  • This will generally be placed in /etc/network/interfaces

The following example should help with creating this interface:

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
  bridge_ports <Physical interface>
  bridge_stp off
  bridge_fd 0

Where <Physical interface> is the name of the interface that the bridge should be bridged with, e.g. ‘eth0’

  • To create a network on the node, perform the following as a superuser:

    mcvirt network create <Network name> --interface <Bridge interface>
  • Assuming that there are not any VMs connected to a network, they can be removed using:

    mcvirt network delete <Network name>

Configure MCVirt

  • The first time MCVirt is run, it creates a configuration file for itself, found in /var/lib/mcvirt/<Hostname>/config.json.

  • The volume group, in which VM data will be stored as logical volumes, must be setup using:

    mcvirt node --set-vm-vg <Volume Group>
  • The cluster IP address must be configured if the node will be used in a cluster (See the Cluster documentation):

    mcvirt node --set-ip-address <Cluster IP Address>
  • In order for the MCVirt client to connect to the daemon, the hosts file at /etc/hosts must edited by changing the line:    <hostname>


    <Cluster IP Address>    <hostname>