
Coding Standards

The MCVirt code base follows the python PEP 8 coding standards, with a line length limit of 100 characters.

All code changes must comply with this coding standard and are checked by continuous integration.

The PEP 8 code checker can be installed using:

sudo apt-get install pep8

Run the checks using:


Automated Tests

There is a collection of unit tests for MCVirt, which can be run as follows:

python /usr/lib/mcvirt/test/

Before runing the tests ensure that the mcvirt-ns service is running on all nodes in the cluster, and that mcvirtd is running on all nodes except the one the tests are being run on (since mcvirtd is started when the tests are run)

Manual Test Procedure

This test procedure is designed to compliment the automated unit tests and should be performed prior to making a new release.

  • Make sure the mcvirt-ns and mcvirtd daemons are started
  • Create a VM called ‘test-vm’
  • Run mcvirt list and check that ‘test-vm’ is shown in the list, and that its state is ‘STOPPED’
    • If the node is part of a cluster, run mcvirt list on another node in the cluster, and check that ‘test-vm’ is listed
  • Start ‘test-vm’. Run mcvirt list again and check that its state is now ‘RUNNING’
    • Run mcvirt list on a remote node to check the state of ‘test-vm’ if the node is part of a cluster
  • Try to delete ‘test-vm’ and check that an error is shown saying ‘Can’t delete a running VM’
  • Stop ‘test-vm’, and try to delete it again. Check that it is no longer shown in the output of mcvirt list
    • If the node is part of a cluster, confirm ‘test-vm’ has been deleted on a remote node too
  • If the node is part of a cluster:
    • Make sure DRBD is enabled by running mcvirt drbd enable
    • Create a new VM called ‘cluster-vm’, specifying the storage type as ‘Drbd’
    • Start ‘cluster-vm’
    • Test online migration of VMs by running mcvirt migrate --online --node <remote node>  cluster-vm
    • Run mcvirt list on the local and remote nodes to check that ‘cluster-vm’ is now registered on the remote node